Animal Farm: Research Topics
Now that you have selected a topic, your task is to prepare a written or verbal presentation that explores the historical facts in this topic area that you see as relevant to the allegory Animal Farm. Your presentation should provide the facts and supply suggestions about the links to the novel.
Homework: Parse a Practice Sentence
Working towards the Parse qualifications We are looking at the parsing of sentences in satirical writing. The first step is to build this skill on your own, so tonight’s work asks you to select a complex sentence from your own writing and parse it for word classes. Bring this, completed, to school tomorrow. Our class’ worked example is attached.
Homework: Find some Satire
Today’s task is simple: Bring an example of satire to class to share. You’re welcome to add an image, some text or a kink to your blog. We’ll spend some of the period tomorrow exploring its use.