The Entire Script Online

The Entire Script Online

Should you miss a lesson where the play is read, or if you would like to go back and re-read sections of the play, you are encouraged to use these two sources. There is a No Fear Shakespeare version of the play online which includes a somewhat over-simplified modern English version and then there’s a great Shakespeare resource that offers you a annotated complete text.

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Homework: Baz Luhrmann Film Interpretation

Homework: Baz Luhrmann Film Interpretation

After watching the first scenes in Baz Luhrmann’s interpretation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the students are writing an explanation of an aspect of the film that is original – not in the script – but that in some way develops or reflects ideas that are present in the script. Henry gave the example where Romeo co-incidentally seeing the TV show where the Capulet Party was being discussed was a good...

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